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Couple elopment in Paris with Eiffel Tower background



您的婚禮是您生命中最重要的盛會,是您最期待的完美時刻。我在這裡捕捉你所有珍貴的時刻, 你與家人的感人時刻、小小的趣事、各類很容易被忽略小細節,比如你的結婚戒指、會場的漂亮裝飾等。希望當天你有更多的時間來享受跟親友的時光,過後可以慢慢回味各項細節及親友送上的祝福。


Terrace in Paris with Eiffel Tower background for elopment
Wedding ceremony in Paris
Paris Wedding Photography
Wedding Photography in Paris
Paris Wedding Photoshoot
Bride walking down the aisle with dad
Bride final makeup with mom
Tossing the bouquet
Hotel terrace in Paris city centre for elopment
Wedding shoes and flowers
Wedding rings with bag and flower
Wedding dress
Couple cheering up during wedding
Newly married couple playing with kid
Paris elopment in front of Eiffel tower
Groom put ring to bride during elopment
Bride adding last touch of makeup
Newly married couple happy to get married
Couple posing after wedding ceremony
Bride preparing for wedding
Couple marching down the aisle for their wedding
Couple wedding Bordeaux castle garden
Newly married couple posing in front of Bordeaux castle
Wedding elopment first look
Couple posing for their wedding
Outside wedding banquet with guests
Couple posing in Bordeaux castle for their wedding night
Wedding in Lausanne Switzerland
Couple kissing wedding
Elopment in Paris cafe
Elopment couple from US in Paris
Couple having their elopment in Paris
Small wedding ceremony
Newly married couple at civil wedding
Bride signing marriage pappers
Newly married couple in city hall
Wedding couple with cake
Bride chatting with guests
Guests gathering around couple during wedding
Guests listening to couple speech wedding
Bride enjoying with best friend guest
Couple enjoying wedding with guests
Couple photos in vineyard in Switzerland
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